The War on Poverty Project

Evaluating the lasting, economic effects of the War on Poverty


Head Start’s long-run impacts on human capital and labour-market outcomes, Vox
Should We Raise the Minimum Wage?, NPR
Social and Economic Benefits of Reliable Contraception, The Atlantic
7 Amazing Things Birth Control Does that Have Nothing to do with Sex, Mic
Does Head Start Give Kids a Head Start?
Obama: One very successful president?, CNN Opinion
Timeline: The War on Poverty, Education Week
Johnson’s ‘War on Poverty’ still a political battlefront, Salt Lake Tribune
War on Poverty shows mixed results, The Columbus Dispatch
The War on Poverty: Not Just a Liberal Campaign, PBS Newshour
Interview on Texas Public Radio
10 Things you might not know about poverty, AlterNet
LBJ’s Mistake was promising to “win” the War on Poverty, New Republic
Why are so many still poor in America? KALW San Francisco Public radio
Re-Learning the Lessons of the War on Poverty, Huffington Post
The War on Poverty Turns 50: Three lessons for Liberals Today, New Republic
Online discussion in the New York Times of whether we need another War on Poverty
Featured on the Center for Economic and Policy Research blog
Let’s End The War On The War On Poverty, Campaign for America’s Future
The War on Poverty: After 50 Years, AAPPAM
This Week in Poverty: New Data, Same Story (and Same Dangerous House Republicans), The Nation
Discussed on NPR’s Tell Me More, with Isabel Sawhill: War on Poverty Still Worth Fighting?
The Mismeasure of Poverty (Op Ed by my co-editor Sheldon Danziger), New York Times
A Dream Examined, New York Times